Easy for those who know how!

I am not a natural when it comes to technology. The idea of having to replace my laptop or mobile fills me with dread and I burble nonsense when I have to speak to professionals in the field, unable to understand the implications of Dolby Vision HDR, 512GB of data or 5G. Consequently, I’ve been slow to embrace the social medial trend for video clips and ‘reels’, fearful it will all go wrong and I’ll inadvertently hit a button and post my failed efforts to a wider audience. But this month I decided it was time to give it a go and when a friend sent me a link to a ‘simple’ video editing tool – clipchamp – I was amazed to find it was relatively intuitive. Here’s the final version (click to watch).
Not bad for a luddite! But while I’m quite pleased with my initial experiments, I still haven’t mastered how to edit and post in Instragram… That will have to wait for another day when I’ve rediscovered my enthusiasm.
This coming month I’m working on my next novel and taking part in a couple of talks:
Writing Well – A two hour workshop which focuses on writing for wellbeing on 19th February 2023 from 2pm to 4pm at Randall Gallery, 13 Sydney Street, Colchester, Essex CO7 0BG. More information here.
Meet the Authors – where I’ll be in conversation with 3 other local authors about our books and all aspects of writing on 25th February 2023, 5pm start, at YMCA High Street, Colchester, Essex CO7 0AQ. More information here.
If you live locally, do get your free tickets from brightwords.essex@gmail.com and join me if you’re interested. It would be great to see you.